Michael is our Partner with oversight of assessment. He is a Chartered Psychologist specialising in simulations and occupational assessments.
Michael has held posts in the UK Ministry of Defence as an Applied Psychologist, in Technology (EDS, now HP) as a Human Factors Consultant, and as VP-level executive in Saville & Holdsworth
(now SHL), a major test publisher. His experience includes industry (banking, management consulting, newspaper, oil refining, retail, IT & digital communications) and the public sector
(defence, education, justice and police).
Michael is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. He holds a degree in Psychology, and shortly expects to complete his PhD at the University of Surrey where he has been
researching new methods of assessing people at work using simulations. He is qualified in the use of several established psychometric instruments (BPS Test User, Occupational, Ability &
Personality) and has designed customised assessment centres, simulation exercises, situational judgement tests and 360 competency-based assessment systems.
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